Save yourself first

In a time when pandemics are rampant and people are struggling, it is important to remember to take care of yourself. This means that you should practice self-love and put yourself first in order to maintain your mental health. Refresh Your Bio offers tips on how to save yourself first and stay connected during difficult times.

During the pandemic, people hurt, lost loved ones, and experienced a sense of loneliness that no one could ever imagine would be felt by so many. Then we returned to everyday life where we came back outside but dealing with pain and facing pain has made some of us more connected or detached than ever before.

Some people handle it by keeping to themselves, while others look for comfort in communicating their feelings. But what happens when you like to stay to yourself and others lean on you to comfort them?
I say save yourself first.

Saving yourself first is an act of love and being present for what your mental health and heart need. Imagine someone calls you to vent about the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or sad news, and you have no self-time; how do you think you will stay afloat? Emotionally you will drown because there is no life jacket to preserve you both.

Give your availability a break from time to time.

No one wants to be seen as the bad guy or judged as selfish, but they’re going to do it anyway!

Who would it really benefit if you do things to please others and win their approval and you are suffering on the inside?
If you want to be better for others, it starts with being better for yourself.

Quick ways to take back your power.

Send the calls to voicemail.

No rule says you have to pick up the phone whenever someone calls. Especially when you know they are calling to vent. If they believe in a higher power like God, they can call on him themselves like you can. Play God or a higher power to no one and let them go directly to their sacred source.

Wait to respond until you are recharged.

Take some days off and give yourself some time. Every day, it seems like the world is darker than ever, and people struggle to deal with life and their mental health. Allow yourself grace and give yourself a grace period to be relaxed and better yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Stop playing the hero role. Let them see you’re human too.

The best gift we can give others is encouragement and support as they work through their struggles. If you can get out of bed after what you have been through, so can others. It is not helpful to throw solutions in the faces of those who have been through difficult times, but they can take comfort in knowing that if they allow it, eventually, they will get back up.

We live in unprecedented times, and our mental health has suffered collectively. It’s okay to be overwhelmed, and it’s perfectly natural to take time for ourselves when feeling stuck, lonely, or in pain.When we find ourselves in a needy place, it can be satisfying when someone else leans on us to get back on their feet again. But we allow ourselves to neglect our own mental health in the process of helping others. In that case, it can be detrimental to our ability to support them and our well-being and happiness.

If you’re struggling with putting yourself first – remember that saving yourself first is an act of love – so go put yourself first! The act of saving yourself first may appear selfish at first glance; however, showing love and attention towards yourself is an incredible act of self-care that requires strength and determination not just for ourselves but for all those who depend on us too.

In short, it doesn’t make us weak: when done thoughtfully, responsibly, and with considerate boundaries, it makes us solid caregivers and individuals. I think that’s worth saving.

I love what I do because it is helping to change lives and enjoy sharing my work. Check out my latest How to turn a breakup in a breakthrough (#ad) Thanks for your support.

Hello, World.

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The latest episode of Lesley’s Lessons Podcast is now available. Tune in to discover valuable insights and useful tips on various topics.

  • Embracing the Journey Through Grief: Finding Light and Lasting Bonds After Loss ✨🌹 | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Making This Time the Right Time: A Tough Love Talk with Lesley D. Nurse | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Surviving the Choke: A Lesson in Gratitude and Presence (Updated)🎙️✨ | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • 💖 Upgrade Your Love Life Before Valentine's! 💑 | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Break the Cycle: Embrace Growth, Not Limitations 🌱 – Lesley's Lessons Podcast

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