What to Do When Someone Advances While You Work Hard and Life Feels Unfair

The feeling of injustice happens when others are promoted or win the race. Learn how you can handle it in an effective manner.

Do you feel like you’re doing everything right, and yet someone else is getting the win? It’s frustrating. You work hard, but others don’t have to try as hard as you, and they still come out ahead. What’s the point in being good if you’re not going to get rewarded for it?

But you are not them.

You are the person who was raised with integrity. You finish what you start and treat others with respect. You do good things when no one is looking, and you work hard. But I bet that you feel like remixing your approach right about now.

Perhaps it’s time to stretch the truth, slack off instead of working, and get to the top by any means. Maybe it’s time to show what you’re made of – like them. Who has time to wait another ten months or ten years for someone to see your value? If not now, when? If not you, then whom?

I’m glad that you asked.

I agree that it is your time before you do something that you might regret or don’t align organically with who you are. You deserve your big break and dreams coming true. Nonetheless, you have more to lose than your associates. And I have a foolproof way that you can get what you want without compromising who you are – starting now.

Stop looking over there at them and comparing.

You are an original and have more than enough capabilities to do just as good if not better. Comparing yourself to others kills your potential and ability to see what is uniquely wonderful about you. It will be twice as hard to stop once you decide it’s okay to compare.

Work hard but work smart.

Let’s face it; it sucks that you know the truth, and you are doing everything your upbringing told you was right to do growing up. You go to school, get a job or career, have good manners, and play it safe. That’s all well, but you are no longer in high school and have bills to pay and aspirations to reach. 

Sometimes, you might be more of a trade person who is better skilled with working with their hands.

Maybe you want to make a certain hourly amount but have small kids or a parent that lives with you. Why not get a flexible job where you can set your hours, work remotely or get two positions only minutes away from your home? It might not reflect your education or the trajectory of where you thought you would be in 4 years, but it pays you more and gives you the flexibility to be available to those you love.

Make a plan and stick to it.

Have you seen a coworker who seemed to be an open book, and then they were leaving the job to become a nurse or start a business one day? You were shocked, but they were prepared and committed to their goals. They protected their dreams from negative energy and stuck to their plans. They didn’t share any information when it was almost there. They waited until they had a sure thing. If you have a dream that means a lot to you, protect it, plan it out, and follow through until completed.

Declutter your life.

Remove old things, including outdated relationships and thoughts, if you need to organize and get rid of them ASAP. These points might all seem different, but they intertwine because your thoughts control them. You put off things that you probably need more on – as a priority. You keep the old relationships you’ve outgrown who remind you why you should stay the same, and the extra space you need is probably available underneath the piles of old clothes and stuff you haven’t touched in years. By decluttering, you open up your mind to broader thinking, evolution, and new energy in your life.

Be your biggest fan, not your worst critic.

I used to call myself names that I felt like I was when I missed the mark. I can’t take all of the credit. A majority goes to toxic relationships as an honorable mention. I didn’t say negative things around other people and was unaware for a long time of how it was affecting my ability to grow. Today I am my biggest fan, although I still have moments that try to steal my joy. The difference is that I know that I always have a choice, and so do you. You are on the cusp of something great, and you have to believe that you are worthy of receiving it.

Build up your skill.

Even though you are not getting the yeses, they will come! In the meantime, this is an excellent opportunity to build up your skills. Maybe you are an expert in completing tasks on time and would do great in project management. The meals you cook always have them coming back for more, and you’ve always wanted to open your own catering business. Now is the time to hone in on your craft or learn new skills.

Affirm yourself daily.

Self-care can sometimes get overlooked, but it has excellent benefits for your body, mind, and soul. However, It is up to you to take complete advantage. Every day you wake up is a blessing. How do you think you would feel if you took just 5 minutes before starting your day and gave thanks? I can tell you, it helps. Being grateful and affirming yourself puts you in a mind-frame that will be difficult for anyone to disrupt. Although it is not indestructible, anything that comes your way will slide off like water.

Have Empathy.

Wait. Empathy? Hear me out. You never know why someone does what they do. They could believe that they don’t measure up and have to take shortcuts, even if that means putting you in a negative light. They know no other way and never have a peaceful night’s sleep. They always have to keep their stories going and plot to get ahead. Knowing this doesn’t mean throwing it in anyone’s face or giving them a break. I am simply saying there could be more to the story.

It is hard when you do everything right, and it seems like everyone else is winning. Give yourself the grace to know there is more than one way to look at things, progress, and your impact.

When you focus on yourself, your craft, and your dreams, you will not have time to focus on anything negative. Thinking about this is a distraction and will only hurt you – not anything or anyone else. Stick to believing in yourself, and give yourself some kudos today! You’ve earned it!

Now, go out and be fabulous! Even if you don’t see the line, the world is waiting on you.

Love & Light.


Check out my latest episode on Lesley’s Lessons Podcast

The latest episode of Lesley’s Lessons Podcast is now available. Tune in to discover valuable insights and useful tips on various topics.

  • Embracing the Journey Through Grief: Finding Light and Lasting Bonds After Loss โœจ๐ŸŒน | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Making This Time the Right Time: A Tough Love Talk with Lesley D. Nurse | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Surviving the Choke: A Lesson in Gratitude and Presence (Updated)๐ŸŽ™๏ธโœจ | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • ๐Ÿ’– Upgrade Your Love Life Before Valentine's! ๐Ÿ’‘ | Lesley's Lessons Podcast
  • Break the Cycle: Embrace Growth, Not Limitations ๐ŸŒฑ – Lesley's Lessons Podcast

Lesley D. Nurse is an expert writer in self-care and breakthrough books for adults and children. You can visit her book collections, including audiobooks, here for more information.

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