My Other Plan A.

Sometimes taking control means letting go of control.

Has there ever been a time in your life when you didn’t have control, and you felt that you were at the mercy of something or someone else? It could be a job you’ve outgrown, a lifeless relationship, feeling stuck and unsure what to do next.

I have had that feeling lately. I run with the motto, there is no plan B – and I will be the first to admit that I ran on a full tank of gas with that vision. Nonetheless, the pandemic slapped the life out of my dreams and made me rethink that a plan B is not so bad. I planned to work my union gig until I made it big as an author. I knew that I had a hard work ethic, but it can get you so far when you are in a position that keeps you stagnating. 

Have you ever tried to apply for a new job at a company that you have worked for years in a union role? They say one thing, but they have plans for you to stay put for a long time(in my experience.) For the past few years, I have been more laid off than working, and even though I have always pursued my passions outside of work, I did all I wanted to do during the pandemic.

This list includes writing books, recording audiobooks, starting a podcast, and more – it takes time, and there is no guarantee. What is a guarantee in life? I might not have all the plays that the Universe has in store for me. Nor do I regret the path that he has taken me thus far. I admit that it can be a mental tussle at times, sticking with my beliefs. Yet I still believe. 

You see, if I didn’t go through the layoff, I wouldn’t have written new books. I wouldn’t have started a podcast, and I definitely would not have recorded audiobooks and taught myself how to engineer them.

If my job did not cut my paycheck severely, I would never have worked so hard like there was no tomorrow. There would be no long nights, long hours, and pep talks that things would be okay. If there were no hardships, I wouldn’t have learned that I could submerge into a peaceful place anytime I wanted and pick myself back up when I feel like life’s plan looks like a setup for failure. 

Who knew a cute Candle Holder would make me smile?

Sage Green Leaf Holder

I love it so much because I enjoy lighting candles frequently. It was another skill that I discovered and decided to have fun and make holders that can be meaningful, intentional, and sensational to watch.

I recently launched an online store, 7off7, and shared with the world some pieces that I made to hold sage, candles, stones, and more. Little did I know how freeing it would be to get my hands dirty in some clay and paint.

Sparkle Incense Holder

So what does letting go – do?

By agreeing to let go, I have discovered all of these things. Don’t get me wrong. If depression wants to find you, it will try and try again harder. It’s up to you to say that it’s the wrong number – and as time goes on, so will the fear. I recently signed up for an online course to get into a new industry while my regular job is on ice for work. 

It’s entirely out of my comfort zone, but if I am transparent, I am a risk-taker – however, I try to limit my losses. It has me excited to see what will happen. The good news is that it will broaden my skills and open new doors that I never imagined possible for myself. I guess you can call it my other plan A. 

In life, what I have learned from observing it thus far, it doesn’t have favorites. It has opportunities for anyone who dares to claim it. My friends, success will not draft you if they do not know that you are interested in playing. Love will not find you if no one knows you are available. In other words, if you haven’t already, it’s time to be the magnet for what you desire – the catch is that you must go first. 

All you have to do is stick to it. 

For the next five days, I made a goal to increase my finances substantially. I’m excited to see what will happen. This method doesn’t mean instant cash but more steps to facilitate my aspirations. What purpose would you like to set for the next five days? Sometimes it’s easier to start something new when done in small steps.

The truth be told, there will be a time when we will not be able to lift a box of bottled waters from amazon or see too good, walk fast, remember vividly or continue talks with the people we love the most. The free will of life’s ups and downs will always coexist.

I hope no matter what phase you are in, you don’t overthink your life. You do. You don’t control, you let go – and you don’t worry, you trust the process.


Positive quotes for transformation in real time

Sparkle At Every Step

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Beautiful photomechanical prints of White Irises (1887-1897) by Ogawa Kazumasa. Original from The Rijksmuseum.

White Irises

Ogawa Kazumasa

Cherry Blossom

Ogawa Kazumasa

Beautiful photomechanical prints of Cherry Blossom (1887-1897) by Ogawa Kazumasa. Original from The Rijksmuseum.
Beautiful photomechanical prints of White Irises (1887-1897) by Ogawa Kazumasa. Original from The Rijksmuseum.

White Irises

Ogawa Kazumasa

Cherry Blossom

Ogawa Kazumasa

Beautiful photomechanical prints of Cherry Blossom (1887-1897) by Ogawa Kazumasa. Original from The Rijksmuseum.